How can we help you?
Discover the invisible in your observation studies.
INTERACT provides you with a wide range of functions for your qualitative and quantitative content analysis of videos.
Simultaneous playback of multiple videos, additional audio lines for a simplified evaluation of videos, unlimited collecting of codes, etc.
Learn more about useful functionalities of INTERACT here.
Video tutorials with explanations of INTERACT:
How does the analysis of long-term studies work in INTERACT?
How can I code eye tracking videos in INTERACT?
How do I use files from INTERACT for presentations?
Meaningful findings thanks to combined values
In DataView you integrate any measured values simultaneously to other qualitative software solutions of Mangold. This allows you to combine physiological data, observation data and other recorded values.
Connect qualitative with quantitative data – for better and meaningful studies.
Tipps & Tricks for the Analysis of Physiological data:
How do I import physiological measurement data in Mangold DataView?
How do I analyze physiological measurement data in Mangold DataView?
How do I combine measurement data from DataView with observed data from INTERACT? ...
Eye Tracking studies: Professional and Universal
The complete solution Mangold Vision – software as well as hardware – helps you to perform professional and universal eye tracking studies.
Video tutorials and examples of Mangold Vision:
How does eye tracking with Mangold Vision work? Can I use multiple eye trackers and multiple screens?
How do I combine eye tracking with neurophysiology?
Measuring user-friendliness Leads to Success
Simple recording, individual playback, and fast evaluation: The usability software LogSquare makes it possible to measure the user-friendliness of your products. Improve your success with a professional measuring tool. Mouse activities, keyboard inputs, face expressions, etc.
LogSquare records the full „user experience“ of a participant during a session.
Videos about Usability Applications:
How do I compile my usability study in Mangold LogSquare?
Is it possible to synchronize multiple eye trackers in LogSquare? How does it work?