Boost the Learning Experience in Simulation Training with a Mangold Video-Feedback and Debriefing System

Improve Outcome of Simulation Trainings with a Professional Video Feedback System

Mangold simstation video-feedback system

Your Single Source Provider

  • Latest audio, video and computer technology
  • Recording of patient monitors
  • Extensive commentary and marker information
  • Viewing of video from virtually anywhere on the network
  • Easy remote control of cameras
  • Quick and easy video feedback
  • and much more...
mangold medical simulation workstation
Mangold simulation training center

Deliver the knowledge your team needs to improve performance and quality of outcomes faster and easier

The main purpose of medical simulation is to train medical professionals to reduce errors during surgery, prescription, and general practice. The goal is to increase patient safety and quality of healthcare. 

Practical exercise is good and indispensable, but to enhance the learning experience, all activities must be recorded and systematically analyzed. Only then a structured review is possible and creating a formative assessment video is just a mouse click away.

We offer all the observation technologies you need to build a professional medical simulation feedback and team training system.

Trainer at the Mangold SimStation system

Benefit from our 30 years of experience in observation research systems and make the most of your training courses in healthcare.

What professionals say

"Mangold VideoSyncPro Studio is an important component for recording, analyzing and post-processing our simulations.

New requirements, which arise continuously in the context of the training courses, are implemented on a regular basis.

The fast and excellent support has ensured a smooth running of the simulation trainings for years."

Thomas Maier - Headmaster

School for Emergency Paramedics, Burghausen

Software and Labs to improve the efficiency of processes in healthcare

Capture team activity efficiently and effectively with audio and video

Mangold recording technology comes in all shapes and sizes. We offer various camera systems and all sorts of audio equipment for capturing the team's communication professionally. 

We also offer solutions to integrate all kinds of sensor data, for synchronized visualization during post analysis and debriefing. 

Team in medical simulation training

We offer our lab systems as modular, stationary and mobile solutions, which gives you almost unlimited possibilities in a simulation center or in-situ.

Our core recording software VideoSyncPro Studio allows to capture almost any audio / video source, including  vitals monitor information and other AV streams.

Mangold SimStation recording system

The media database functionality in the recording software allows playback of diverse media files, such as images, documents, videos, or audio files, to create an even more immersive experience for training participants. 

This feature enables seamless integration of real-time parameters like X-rays, MRI images, blood analysis parameters, or ultrasound images, which is significantly enriching the training experience. 

All conveniently controlled from the control room. 

Medical team in simulated training watching medical images on a wireless device

Collect comments and marker

Use Mangold software tools for collecting qualitative and quantitative data for instructional and research purposes.

Define your own marker systems individually according to your project requirements

  • Rate competency areas like patient safety, clinical judgement and expected skills
  • Time stamp and annotate important situations in a structured way for quick retrieval and review
  • Configure individual rating schemas and time based checklists. Use them to grade teams and individuals on their task performance
Operator at Mangold SimStation

Debrief easily

Sharing knowledge is the key to improvement and mutual understanding. Our tools support you in gaining and teaching the knowledge your team needs to improve performance and quality of outcomes.

VideoSyncPro Studio allows for post coding/ annotating and quick and meaningful video assisted debriefing.

Trainer giving video-feedback at Mangold SimStation

Upgrade your teaching and training projects to scientific studies

The Mangold INTERACT software is the ideal follow-up tool in your project tool chain.  It enables the extraction of complex information from your recorded training sessions and converts them into meaningful and scientifically based information.

INTERACT offers extended research possibilities for time to intervention studies, human factors and latent risk analysis as well as comparison of live patient encounters vs. simulations using manikins.

  • Investigate reaction times between decisions and execution of the required interventions
  • Root cause analysis to identify potential risk factors
  • Get various statistics on team activities and behaviors
  • Understand the full context of critical thinking and its relationship to resulting decisions
  • Visualize the collected data in graphs and charts to provide additional insight on performance of teams and individuals
  • Reveal behavioral patterns which are invisible to the observer
  • Use the results to improve team performance and patient safety

Contact us now

Your One-Stop-Shop

Mangold International is your single source supplier for all audio/ video/ computer equipment and AV recording software for your simulation center. Our solutions can help you to improve education standards and meet quality requirements. 

We help you to create the observation and analysis solution you need:

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