2‐Year‐olds’ free play during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Authors: Tisborn, K., & Seehagen, S. (2024)


Free play is a natural activity in toddlerhood, depending on environmental conditions like available objectsand the social environment. The COVID‐19 pandemicand its consequences for parents’ mental health held the potential to change toddlers’ play environment. This cross‐sectional study investigated 2‐year‐olds’(N = 97) free play with objects, and aspects of caregiver mental well‐being in three cohorts during the pandemic in Germany. Caregivers reported their positive mental health (PMH), threat perception, perception of current family situation from negative to positive, and workload. We categorized toddlers’ behavior in free play sessions in their homes with a fixed set of objects through behavioral coding. Play behavior did not differ between cohorts and did not correlate with caregivers’ positive mental health, threat perception, and perception of family situation. A MANOVA revealed a significant main effect of cohort on PMH, threat perception and perception of family situation, qualified by two discriminant functions. Fullsample analyses revealed that toddlers of caregiversperceiving a workload increase compared to the time before the pandemic showed less pretend play, and less functional and nonfunctional play. The results provide insights into 2‐year‐olds’ play behavior during a global pandemic and highlight the role of caregiver availability for children’s play.

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