Your Personal Black Hole to go

On a whim, we created a black hole to go.

A black hole is a structure whose mass is concentrated in an extremely small volume. This compactness gives it special characteristics.

  • The attraction in the surroundings is so strong that even rays of light cannot pass through this area. This creates a "hole" in which everything disappears.
  • The outer boundary is called the event horizon. No information can cross this horizon from the inside to the outside. Neither material nor radiation.
  • Due to the special characteristics of the black hole, time passes more and more slowly in relation to a distant observer the closer you get to the hole. At the edge of the hole, time even stands still.
  • A rotating black hole is surrounded by the so-called ergosphere. Any object that enters this area is inevitably swept along and must also rotate.

These Characteristics can be used for a wide Range of Applications

  • Do you have worries or anger? Simply throw these negative thoughts into the hole so that they never come back! Open the card, stare into it for 3 seconds or, if necessary, simply shout into it very loudly. ARRRRRRRRGGGHHH!
  • Need more time? Simply unfold the hole and place it next to you. The closer you are to the hole, the slower time will pass for you relative to an outside observer. So while everyone around you is frantically running back and forth, you have all the time in the world! - Ommmmmmmmm.
  • Do you have people around you who "can't get going"? No problem, just open the card and move it so close to the person that they are immersed in the ergosphere and inevitably start to rotate! Best of all, they won't even notice, because everything around them will seem to stand still.
  • Need to hold a confidential meeting? No problem. Open the card and speak on the back. Viewers on the front will never know what is being discussed.
  • Need to get rid of something? Open the card and drop the item in. Don't worry, you won't pollute the hole. Due to time dilation, it will take an infinite amount of time for the item to reach the hole.
  • Want someone to get extra close to you? It's simple: open the card and carefully tilt it in their direction until they feel attracted. Close the card in time to prevent the person from accidentally vanishing into the hole, which would probably get you into trouble. Watch out for people on rolling office chairs!
  • Want to create a cozy atmosphere? Nothing could be easier! Open the card and turn it towards the light source. The light will be drawn in more or less, creating a beautiful, subdued atmosphere. Vary the opening angle to the light source.

What can go wrong?

  • You weren't really talking privately behind the black hole. So your conversation found its way over the edge of the hole into the universe.
  • You threw an object that was too big at the hole. Now it is blocked.
  • You shouted so loudly in the direction of the hole that some of the sound passed around it, and your fellow human beings now look at you in confusion.
  • You were sitting at the edge of the hole, but you were looking at a distant clock, so time passed as quickly for you as it did for the people next to the clock.
  • Your source of light is too strong for the hole, so the rays of light whiz by the hole unhindered, so there is no dimming of light.
  • The person you are trying to make rotate has a greater mass than your black hole, so the effect is reversed and you start to rotate.
  • You have pushed the hole so close to the other person that they have already stepped out the other side of the ergosphere and are at the place where time stands still completely.
  • Your black hole is broken and no longer spinning.

The Ideal Application

Place the card on the table, slightly unfolded, or carry it in your wallet and just think of all the great things you could do with it.

What a calming feeling! Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm...