Study on Personality differences in Capuchin Monkeys
What individual behavior characteristics do Capuchin Monkeys show?
Dr. Jana Uher, who is the leader of the research network „Primate Personality Net“ at Free University of Berlin, examines this in a current study.

The goal of the research network is the scientific analysis of individual-specific behavioral patterns in primates and their influences on social relationships. Individual-specific behavioral patterns – which is personality differences – can be found in a wide range of species including monkeys and apes. From an evolutionary perspective they are thought to reduce the pressure of competition between members of a species and to represent a variable reservoir for the species’ successful adaptation to future ecological changes.
This recent study done by Dr. Jana Uher involves Capuchin Monkeys in the research center. The study analyzes the social behavior and the personality differences between the 26 individual species of the Capuchin Monkey.
The English-language publication is the first comprehensive study of personality differences in Capuchin Monkeys and is published in the latest issue of the “Journal of Research in Personality” (August 2013) at Elsevier.
This study is based alongside various other projects which include video-/audio-based data collection and analysis performed with the Mangold INTERACT Software.
Dr. Jana Uher is very pleased: “The INTERACT software coding from Mangold proved to be extremely useful and efficient for detailed videotape analyzes of individual differences in the primates.”
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