Comparison of e-shops with Eye Tracking
At the University of West Bohemian, Pilsen, Czech Republic, an intersting comparison of different e-shops was performed with MangoldVision. Daniela Vlková from the Faculty of Economics used eye tracking to demonstrate the advantages of this technology for the improvement of the tested e-shops.
Comparison of a selected group of e-shops
by eye camera (eyetracking)
VLKOVÁ, Daniela. Diploma thesis. Pilsen: The Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 104 p., 2016.
This diploma thesis is focused on a comparison of a few selected e-shops based on testing by eye camera (eye-tracking). The thesis consists of two parts – theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is comprised of an introduction to the e-commerce issues, basic recommendations for design and marketing of e-shops and a description of the eye-tracking methodology. In the empirical part is firstly presented a research proposal, followed by a research report including a description of the testing process, an analysis and an evaluation of the collected findings and recommended actions for improvement of the tested e-shops.
Key words: e-commerce, e-shop, design, marketing, eye camera, eyetracking

For the documentation and analysis of the study, the MangoldVision eye tracking system was used, including the VT3 mini eye tracker and the analysis software MangoldVision.

The Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen provides courses such as Statistics I and II, Basis of Economic Statistics, Financial and Insurance Calculation, Operational Research, Probability Models, Statistic Data Analysis, Econometrics. A specific field of study Economic and Statistic Analysis offers subjects of Statistic Data Analysis II, Database Systems II, Prognostics in Economics, Prognostics in Management and Quantitative Methods.