Eye Tracking Made Easy
Mangold International (Germany), leader in research software and EyeTech Digital Systems (USA) announce their Partnership and the full integration of their technologies to optimize eye tracking research systems.

For nearly 20 years, EyeTech has designed dozens of eye tracking solutions. The VT3 series eye trackers offer high-quality hardware designed for researchers from different disciplines who require both flexibility and reliability. The new hardware is a totally self-contained “smart camera” which does all the processing on the camera. It can even track your eyes when not attached to any PC if configured to do that. Easy magnetic mounting capability – without any tools – makes this the model of choice when using a laptop or sharing across multiple computers. It offers the flexibility for both close and long distance tracking capabilities.
The technology consists of the latest generation of algorithms, software, and hardware and offers a superior experience for users. The robust tracking performance, instant acquisition, and a greater tolerance for head motion enables the VT3 to provide a high level of accuracy for precise research results. The device provides fixed hardware-based time stamps and high frame rate. This allows for great precision in tying a timestamp to an eye tracking sample measurement.

Mangold International provides the professional eye tracking research software, MangoldVision. This software combines a comprehensive tool for test design and gaze recording with analyzing and visualizing all recorded eye tracking data – all in a single solution.

Key features of MangoldVision are: the unlimited possibilities of the project design, the scientific accuracy of the data collection and the numerous analysis routines. With a single mouse click, researchers can easily analyze the recorded data, merge projects, and calculate statistics. Results can be filtered, based on participant attributes, and charts, images, and videos can be exported.
Pascal Mangold, CEO of Mangold International, is convinced of the success by partnering with EyeTech: “The joint solution revolutionizes the way of eye tracking. The ability, to integrate gaze patterns with user behavior data, provides researchers important information for their work and is gaining widespread acceptance. MangoldVision can save the researchers hundreds of man hours during data analysis.”
MangoldVision is versatile and supports a wide range of eye tracking studies, from usability testing and consumer research, to psychology, sociology, and cognitive science. Its ease of use and its high performance make MangoldVision the first choice for eye tracking projects.
Keith Jackson, Marketing Manager at EyeTech Digital Systems affirms: “MangoldVision software and VT3 eye trackers constitute a comprehensive toolbox for a wide range of scientific research.“
About EyeTech Digital Systems, Inc.
Founded in 1996, EyeTech Digital Systems is a global leader in eye tracking technology. EyeTech’s engineering expertise in eye tracking and image processing has helped companies across the globe incorporate eye tracking technology into products such as speech devices for the disabled, museum displays, automobile safety, entertainment systems, consumer product prototypes and research systems. www.eyetechds.com
About Mangold
Mangold International is a pioneer in the development of professional software and system solutions for scientific research. With more than 25 years of experience, today Mangold International is a world class provider of complete observational lab systems for research applications and winner of major business awards for its quality solutions and business sustainability as partner for the research community. www.mangold-international.com