Highly Sensitive?
Every day we are exposed to all the information influences from our environment. The majority of information can be filtered by most people. Familiar sounds or everyday impressions are reduced or no longer perceived. A good example is the traffic noise; after a while the residents of a busy road no longer consciously perceive the noise, even if it exists objectively.
For some people, this filter is less developed due to neurological reasons. They take in much more detailed information from their environment. This can vary from person to person. Some HSP (= Highly Sensitive Person) recognize particularly acoustic noises, other HSP perceive visual impressions or certain odors. The vibrations of interpersonal relationships are often felt more intensively. For the HSP, the intensity of sensory impressions influences the mind and body and can result with symptoms in mental and physical overload.

The German television station called MDR recently held a live broadcast “Hier ab vier” with the subject “High Sensitivity”. Psychologist Sandra Konrad from the University of the German Army at Hamburg was the studio guest. She presented her research which involved the MangoldVision eye tracking solution.
As part of her dissertation project she focuses on the validation of a diagnostic tool for the detection of high sensitivity (“Sensory processing sensitivity“) and a more accurate determination of the typical personality skills and dispositions that are associated with a higher sensitivity. The project of Sandra Konrad is one of the largest and most challenging on the topic “High Sensitivity” in Germany.
We are very pleased that this interesting study could be supported by using the MangoldVision eye tracking solution.