Educational Research with Mangold Products
Especially in the context of large school classes, social conflicts and time constraints, the quality of teacher training is becoming increasingly important for the future of our children. Analytical video observation makes an important contribution. This advanced technology synergistically brings together university teaching and school practice.
Video-based observation and evaluation is a game changer in teaching and learning situations. This future-oriented technology promotes teaching development, as well as the professionalisation of trainers, coaches, performance specialists and team managers.
Teaching, learning, training - Studies with Mangold products
Success breeds success. When are coaches particularly successful?
For the study, coaching sessions were evaluated via video analysis with Mangold INTERACT. The analysis shows that coach and client hardly differ with respect to affiliation dimensions – both show themselves to be similarly friendly.
There were greater differences in dominance behaviour however. The study concludes that coaches are perceived as particularly successful when coaches and clients show a similar dominance behaviour.
What has humour got to do with team performance?
How can one of the most striking characteristics of humans like humour be measured scientifically? It's possible using Mangold INTERACT.
For example in a video study entitled “How much fun is there at your meetings?”. Behavioural patterns such as humour and laughter were recorded and encoded on video during 54 regular team meetings with real company teams.
It was possible to identify that such behaviour patterns positively influenced team performance. However, this was not true with high levels of workplace fear or job uncertainty. Here these patterns had no influence on the team.
Activation challenges in teaching to activate prior knowledge
The ability to activate prior knowledge, as well as the ability to link to existing knowledge are crucial to learning success. In the school environment, the active support of the teachers is important to activate existing prior knowledge.
This study, carried out with the aid of Mangold INTERACT, aimed to identify and describe activation challenges in business-related teaching practice. A systematic examination is made to what extent teachers actively support the activation of prior knowledge in teaching.
In this research work, the INTERACT functions were used specifically to calculate the observer agreement, the establishment of state-space grids and sequence analyses.
More (German Ph.D. publication):
Aktivierungsaufforderungen im wirtschaftsberuflichen Unterricht
Efficient classroom management: Evaluation of a video-based training seminar to promote the professional appreciation of classroom management within school education
An important prerequisite for efficient classroom management is recognising and evaluating the events relevant to the management of the teaching. In this observation study, the extent to which professional appreciation can be conveyed within university teacher training is examined by analysing teaching videos.
The key classroom management dimensions were 'withitness', structuring the process of the class, and group activation (group focus). A total of 120 students participated in the covariance study.
Experts in Video Capture Solutions and Qualitative and Quantitative Video Content Analysis - for 30 years
We support researchers all over the world in their observational studies with professional solutions in the field of behaviour observation and analysis.
Mangold International provides essential research tools, including video cameras and computer systems, as well as the appropriate software for data acquisition and evaluation. Whether in the lab or for field studies.
Audio / Video
Capture multiple audio and video sources with a stationary or mobile Mangold video lab.
Content coding & evaluation
Use the Mangold INTERACT software for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the content of your videos.