Mangold Observation Studio Aerospace

Mangold Observation Studio is the ideal software suite for multimodal acquisition of physiological data and behavioural responses in aerospace simulation.

Benefits of multimodal data acquisition and analysis with the Mangold Observation Studio

Cockpit design airplane

Evaluation of the cockpit design of an aircraft

To evaluate the cockpit design of an aircraft, Mangold Observation Studio software is used to synchronously record eye movements, physiological data and physical interactions of pilots during flight operations.

The comprehensive data acquisition enables a detailed analysis of the interactions in the cockpit. In particular, pilots' eye movements are recorded in combination with physiological data (e.g. EEG, GSR) to understand the distribution of attention, as well as physical interactions to assess the efficiency of the cockpit layout.

The collected data is then analysed to gain precise insights into the use of the cockpit. Based on these results, targeted adjustments are made to improve ergonomics and maximise the efficiency of the cockpit design.  

Mangold Observation Studio thus acts as a crucial tool for evaluating and optimising cockpit layouts to meet the safety, efficiency and user-friendliness requirements of the aerospace industry.

Evaluation of the behaviour of air traffic controllers

Mangold Observation Studio is used as a central tool to analyse the interaction of air traffic controllers during stressful situations, capturing physiological data and facial expressions of air traffic controllers during stressful situations.

The comprehensive data collection enables the identification of stress patterns and provides a deep insight into the controllers' reactions to challenging situations. In particular, physiological data is used to capture stress-related changes, while facial expressions reflect emotional reactions.

The collected data will be thoroughly analysed in order to gain in-depth insights into how air traffic controllers cope with stress. The resulting findings not only support the development of targeted training programmes for air traffic controllers, but also contribute to the creation of optimal working environments aimed at minimising stress in stressful situations.

Airport tower
Flugzeug Wartung

Improving the efficiency of maintenance work

To improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair work, the Mangold Observation Studio software acts as a central tool for recording the physical interactions of technicians with aircraft components. The comprehensive data collection enables precise analysis of work processes during maintenance and repair work

In particular, physical interactions between technicians are recorded in order to identify potential optimisation potential in the work processes. The collected data is then thoroughly analysed to gain in-depth insights into how to increase the efficiency of maintenance and repair work.

These findings are not only used to identify potential improvements in work processes, but also support the development of tailored training programmes for technicians.

Development of effective training programmes

In the development of effective training programmes for pilots, the Observation Studio is used as a key tool to record eye movements and physiological reactions of trainee pilots during flight simulations.

The comprehensive data collection enables a detailed analysis of the behaviour and physical reactions of prospective pilots during simulated flight conditions. In particular, eye movements are recorded to understand attention distribution, while physiological responses provide insights into stress levels and emotional distress.

The collected data is then carefully analysed to identify individual needs and challenges of the pilots. The resulting findings serve as the basis for adapting training programmes to the pilots' specific requirements and abilities.

Raumanzug Astronaut

Improving the equipment

To improve the design of spacesuits, the Observation Studio serves as a key instrument for recording the movements and physiological reactions of astronauts during spacesuit use.

The comprehensive data collection enables a detailed analysis of the interaction between the astronauts and their spacesuits. In particular, movement patterns and physiological reactions are recorded in order to gain insights into the ergonomics and comfort of the suits.

The data collected will be analysed in detail to identify specific requirements and possible optimisation options, particularly with regard to longer space missions.

The knowledge gained will serve as a basis for targeted improvements to the design of spacesuits in order to optimise their ergonomics and comfort and to better meet the specific requirements of astronauts during long-duration missions.

Analysis of passenger behaviour in emergency situations

In simulation scenarios, Mangold Observation Studio acts as an essential tool for recording the behavioural patterns and physiological reactions of passengers during emergency situations on board an aircraft.

The comprehensive data collection enables a precise analysis of how passengers react to unforeseen events. In particular, behavioural patterns are recorded to understand the collective behaviour of passengers, while physiological responses provide insight into individual stress levels and emotional distress.

The data collected is then carefully analysed to gain in-depth knowledge of passenger reactions in emergency situations. These findings serve as a basis for the development of safety guidelines and training for passengers to improve their ability to act and their safety awareness.

Flugzeug Passagier

More information about Mangold Observation Studio

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