Mangold Observation Studio in Healthcare

Mangold Observation Studio is the ideal software suite for multimodal recording of physiological data and behavioural responses in healthcare.

Benefits of multimodal data acquisition and analysis with the Mangold Observation Studio


Improving the quality of medical treatment

Mangold Observation Studio plays a central role in researching patient behaviour and physiological reactions by recording precise movements, facial expressions and physiological data from patients as part of studies.

The data collected serves as the basis for detailed analyses that ultimately lead to improvements in patient treatment and care.

The identification of behavioural patterns and physiological reactions enables targeted interventions to adapt care and treatment to the individual needs of patients and thus effectively optimise healthcare.

Training in nursing care

The Observation Studio enables the evaluation of clinical training programmes and simulations by precisely recording the interactions, actions and eye movements of medical staff during training sessions.

The recorded data forms the basis for analyses that support the optimisation of training programmes. By identifying effective teaching methods and potential areas for improvement, targeted measures can be taken to increase the efficiency of clinical training programmes and simulations and improve the skills of medical staff.

The comprehensive analysis of the recorded data provides insights into current training practices and paves the way for innovative approaches in the development of future training strategies.

The precise findings make it possible to maintain proven methods and implement new teaching approaches that meet the changing requirements and challenges in the healthcare sector.

klinische Schulung

Improving the quality of therapy

The Observation Studio software plays a crucial role in the analysis of therapy sessions and behavioural studies by precisely recording patients' facial expressions, gestures and behaviour during therapy sessions.

The recorded data forms the basis for analyses that support psychologists in adapting therapy approaches. Through the detailed recording of facial expressions and gestures, individual reactions and emotional states can be better understood, which makes it possible to optimise therapy sessions in a targeted manner and improve the success of therapy.

By precisely analysing the recorded data, it enables proactive adaptation to changing patient requirements. In this way, the Observation Studio not only helps to improve the current quality of therapy, but also to adapt psychological care to the needs of patients in the long term.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of medication

The Observation Studio plays a crucial role in studying the effectiveness of medication on patients by precisely recording physiological reactions, emotions and behaviour.

The data collected forms the basis for analyses used to evaluate the effects of medication. By recording detailed physiological changes as well as emotional and behavioural responses, clinicians and researchers can better understand the effectiveness of medication and make adjustments where necessary to ensure optimal patient care.

The Observation Studio software thus functions not only as a tool for superficial assessment of drug effects, but as a resource to continuously improve the quality of medical care and customise patient treatment.

medizinische Untersuchung

Evaluation of diagnostic procedures

The Observation Studio enables the evaluation of diagnostic procedures and medical examinations by precisely recording the eye movements and reactions of doctors during these procedures. The recorded data forms the basis for analyses that contribute to the improvement of diagnostic processes.

By identifying efficiency gains and potential areas for improvement, targeted measures can be taken to optimise diagnostic accuracy and improve patient care.

The precise recording of eye movements and reactions not only allows individual procedures to be optimised, but also opens up the possibility of introducing more comprehensive improvements in diagnostic processes.

Mangold Observation Studio thus functions not only as a tool for evaluation, but also as a resource for the continuous improvement of diagnostic practices in medical research and patient care.

Analysing the interaction between medical staff and patients

The Observation Studio plays a crucial role in the comprehensive analysis of interactions between medical staff and patients, not only by precisely recording conversations, non-verbal signals and emotions, but also by providing a broad data basis for further analyses.

This in-depth analysis serves as a crucial source of information for optimising communication strategies in the healthcare sector. The identification of interaction patterns and potential areas for improvement enables targeted measures to be taken to increase the effectiveness of communication between medical staff and patients.

By precisely recording and analysing communication data, not only can existing patterns be improved, but innovative approaches can also be developed to promote even more patient-centred care.

Interaktion Arzt und Patient
Chirurgie OP-Simulation

Surgery simulation

Mangold Observation Studio plays a crucial role in the evaluation of surgical procedures and training sessions by not only precisely recording surgeons' actions, eye movements and interactions during training sessions, but also providing a comprehensive data basis for further analyses.

This detailed analysis serves as an essential source of information not only to improve surgical techniques, but also to continuously optimise the training of surgeons.

The identification of effective procedures and potential areas for improvement makes it possible to take targeted measures not only to increase the precision and efficiency of surgical procedures, but also to establish the training of surgeons at a higher level.

By precisely recording and analysing surgeons' actions, not only can proven methods be further developed, but innovative approaches can also be introduced into surgical training.

Evaluation of the comfort of medical equipment

The Observation Studio software suite plays a crucial role in the comprehensive evaluation of the comfort of medical facilities and equipment by recording precise reactions, movements and eye movements of patients in different environments, as well as providing a comprehensive data basis for further analyses.

This comprehensive analysis acts as an essential source of information to improve patient comfort and continuously optimise the quality of medical facilities and equipment. The identification of comfort factors and potential areas for improvement opens up the possibility of taking targeted measures to increase patient comfort and promote general well-being.

By accurately recording and analysing patient responses, existing comfort standards can be further developed and innovative approaches to the design of medical facilities and the selection of equipment can be introduced.

Komfort in medizinischen Einrichtungen

Improvement of physiotherapeutic measures

Observation Studio plays an essential role in the comprehensive analysis of physiotherapy measures and rehabilitation progress by precisely recording patients' movements, physiological data and reactions during therapy sessions, as well as providing a comprehensive data basis for further analyses.

This in-depth analysis serves as a crucial source of information not only to support the adaptation of therapy plans, but also to continuously improve the effectiveness of physiotherapy measures.

The detailed recording of movements and physiological reactions not only gives therapists the opportunity to better understand the effectiveness of their measures, but also enables therapy plans to be customised.

By precisely recording and analysing rehabilitation data, not only can proven methods be further developed, but innovative approaches can also be introduced into physiotherapy practice.

Research into psychological aspects in medicine

Mangold Observation Studio plays a central role in conducting studies to explore psychological aspects of medicine by not only accurately recording behaviors, emotions and reactions of study participants, but also providing a comprehensive data base for further analysis.

This in-depth analysis serves as an essential source of information not only to gain knowledge in medical psychology, but also to provide a deeper insight into the psychological aspects of medicine.

The detailed recording of behavioral and emotional responses not only provides researchers with the opportunity to gain deeper insights into psychological aspects, but also enables well-founded findings for the further development of medical approaches and treatments.

By precisely recording and analyzing data, not only can existing models be refined, but innovative approaches in medical psychology can also be introduced.

medizinische Psychologie

More information about Mangold Observation Studio

Benefit from our many years of expertise

Whether for usability research, human-computer interaction, team research, market research, parent-child interaction studies, youth research, design thinking, strategic thinking, feedback and training, medical simulation and much more. ...

We can provide you with a professional observation lab solution that meets your individual requirements.

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