Mangold Teaching Research Lab Opened in Zimbabwe
The Faculty of Education at the University of Zimbabwe is active in research and trains teachers for the entire country. In recent years, several thousand graduates of various courses have been qualified for the teaching profession at the faculty.

Pascal Mangold opens Mangold International education research lab in Zimbabwe
Representatives of UNICEF and the United Nations Children's Fund, attended the opening of the Mangold Teaching Research Lab in Zimbabwe
Ongoing training is significantly important: over 35,000 teachers and fifteen associated Teachers’ Colleges took advantage of these training courses.
Almost every teacher in Zimbabwe has been in contact with the Faculty during their career.
Research, teaching and intellectual excellence in the department have resulted with an enormous impact in the nation whereby Zimbabwe achieved a 92% literacy rate, while the rate for entire Africa is at 65% (source: UNDP).
The Faculty plans to raise its standard of teaching even higher by applying current technologies and methods in research and education. For this reason, they acquired a state-of-the-art lab from Mangold for behavioral analysis to conduct research studies on early childhood development. Recently, the lab was inaugurated as part of an official opening ceremony.

Pascal Mangold gives training in Zimbabwe

Among the over 80 invited guests were representatives from all the Universities and Colleges of Zimbabwe, as well as, from ministries and UNICEF including the Children’s Fund of the United Nations.
After the Dean of Education, Prof. Rosemary Moyana welcomed everyone, the Registrar Sergeant Chevo, representative of the Vice Chancellor, emphasized the importance of future children for the country and society.
Pascal Mangold, CEO of Mangold International, addressed the abundant possibilities of professional video analysis particularly for research in early childhood.
The Mangold Teaching Research Lab enables researchers to generate comprehensive data with high reliability and permanent reproducibility based on the modern video and audio technology including the flexible and powerful analysis software.

Pascal Mangold gives a lecture in Zimbabwe

Pascal Mangold explained the effective and efficient approaches of video analysis with the INTERACT software.
The audience was very interested in hearing details about the many possibilities of tool-based behavioral observation in learning and teaching research.
The next day there was an intensive training workshop for the faculty and staff. Step by step they were led through the installed lab facilities and software suites by Pascal Mangold.
The contact to the University of Zimbabwe came about through an exhibition stand of the Mangold company. The company presented itself to an international professional audience at the International Congress of Psychology in Cape Town, South Africa.
The range of professional solutions for scientific observation laboratories was very well received by the visitors. The University of Zimbabwe also took notice of the offer. Shortly thereafter, a Mangold International laboratory was installed at the Department of Psychology, which also attracted the attention of the Faculty of Education.