Reduce Energy Demand – without extensive investments
Study with Mangold INTERACT: Activate User-Related Energy Saving Potential
Large investments are not always necessary in saving energy, especially in large service companies (e.g. hospitals and universities). Up to 20% of the energy can be saved during daily work through energy-saving behavior as well as through technical and organizational operations. “Re-Co – Smart Energy Saving” is an EU-funded pilot project involving partners in 8 countries that examines these savings.
The Human Factor
The motivation of potential users in the implementation of energy saving is a key factor. One part of the Re-Co project is the development of a communication concept which involves users to work together on behavioral change measures. The goal is to create awareness of an “energy efficient” working day – through long-term changes in behavior.
The desired side effect: to increase the understanding of energy saving measures and apply this knowledge to their everyday lives.
Communication and Motivation
Prof. Dr. Simone Kauffeld and Dipl. Psych. Florian Klonek from the Institute of Psychology at the Technical University of Braunschweig show in a recent study how users can reach goals and be motivated with energy-saving. With the help from the Mangold INTERACT Software the communication patterns between Re-Co consultants and users are presented and interpreted. Based on different scenarios, the study shows how strongly the projects depend on the micro-verbal communication level. The study also provides valuable information, such as valuable information for energy consultants and how to productively communicate with customers and users.
The complete study is available in the recent Re-Co newsletter.
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